Oh don't worry about those
Those are all going outwards
He of course was referring to bullet holes
In his front window screen
He was one of those kind of guys
You didn’t have to figure out what he means
He said what he said
He did what he did
And the difference between the two
Didn’t change with a bid
He was a romantic for real
And dangerous as Hell
He was a bone raw outlaw
And an art collector as well
He had himself a hound
That made the Baskerville’s look tame
He went in more than a few doors
Where you don’t come out the same
But his heart and courage did
They remained quite true in fact
I knew him as a friend of a friend
And he always had his back
You didn’t Jimmy his locks
You didn’t mess with his choice
But that all bein said
You could do a whole lot worse than
Rollin with Royce
11:04 am
He of course was referring to bullet holes
In his front window screen
He was one of those kind of guys
You didn’t have to figure out what he means
He said what he said
He did what he did
And the difference between the two
Didn’t change with a bid
He was a romantic for real
And dangerous as Hell
He was a bone raw outlaw
And an art collector as well
He had himself a hound
That made the Baskerville’s look tame
He went in more than a few doors
Where you don’t come out the same
But his heart and courage did
They remained quite true in fact
I knew him as a friend of a friend
And he always had his back
You didn’t Jimmy his locks
You didn’t mess with his choice
But that all bein said
You could do a whole lot worse than
Rollin with Royce
11:04 am